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 Health Daoyin 健身导引
Meditation & Stretching in Motion
A new vision of Wellness, Integrating Tradition with Medical Science

Special thanks to the Dana Home Foundation for the generous financial support for Daoyin Health Teaching Program

About Us

Medical Daoyin is a unique form of mind-body practice, characterized by the integration of meditation and stretching in motion, founded in 2011 by Dr. Jing Liu, PhD, Lic. Ac. and a previous physician, who integrated the concepts of meditation, Taiji, and stretching with clinical medical science.


Daoyin was the ancient name of QiGong, started 1200 years ago in China, originally with the contents of meditation (Qigong) and stretching techniques in an attempt to harmonize well-being of both the mind and the body.


Daoyin Health Society, DHS, is a non-profit organization with the mission of promoting Daoyin to the public. Over 10,000 trainees have engaged in our training program. The primary observed benefits include improved flexibility and range of motion, increased energy and vitality, reduced pain (including chronic pain), improved balance and coordination, reduced stress and anxiety, and happier mood. Through the training, we expect you to gain both increased relaxation, body awareness and strength through mind-body integrative practice. Beyond self-healing, the practice of Daoyin is enjoyable and calming.

导引健身功由刘京医学博士在美国波士顿地区于2012年创立。现代气功源自1200年前导引术。导引原旨“导气令和,引体令柔”。 导引健康社是由州政府批准的非营利组织,目的在于培训和推广导引健身功。我们的宗旨是为大众提供科学的锻炼和养生方式。这套练功系列是根据尊重传统并符合现代医学的原则设计,每个动作的设计都具备特定的保健的目的。功法的核心是按照身体功能结构的特点在柔和运动中做特定的拉伸动作。太极导引的在(取消:导引功社)(全体)教练和义工的努力下,(我们的努力)已经有了可喜的回报。欢迎您(你)成为我们的新学员!

Essential Principles of Taiji Daoyin

Daoyin stretches and exercises follow the principles of:

1.     Abdominal breathing, expanding diaphragm while inhaling.

2.     Stretching the body while exhaling and relaxing while inhaling, particularly the spine.

3.     The spine is the center of the motions. Using the spine to lead shoulder and arm motions, and the spine spiral motions are driven by the hip.

4.     Unlike stationary stretching, Daoyin stretching is in motion and always on the orbits of circles or spirals.

5.     Movements are as gentle and calm as water flowing.

6.     Yin and Yang motions; a pair of opposite directions of motions is required to keep the physical balance.

7.     Mind and body integration through breathing and self-body awareness training.


  1. 以意念引领的腹式呼吸,. 吸气时意念引领“气”下沉丹田,膈肌自然膨降如吹气球,以期更好的达到身心合一

  2. 呼气时身体放松,呼气时肢体拔伸

  3. 脊柱保持竖直

  4. 呼气脊柱向上拔伸,带动上肢动作

  5.  吸气时阔胸(开),呼气时胸廓自然放松(合)

  6. 拔伸运动多沿圆形或螺旋轨迹

  7. 脊柱旋转由髋而不是腰驱动

  8. 保持如流水般柔顺、宁静而自然的运动

Recent Events

Daoyin Senior Meditation Teaching Program

Sponsored by Dana Home Foundation

FREE Daoyin Learning Program for Seniors!

Sponsored by a generous grant from the Dana Home Foundation

And a partnership with Lexington Community Center


New Schedule for Seniors in 2024

Daoyin Senior Meditation Teaching Program of Lexington, MA


Fridays: 11:15am-12:15pm

Coach: Annie Liu


Saturdays: 10:00 - 11:00am

Coach: Hannah Li

Registration: Call (781) 698-4800


Lexington Community Center, 39 Marrett Rd, Lexington, MA 02421

Fitness Room


The Daoyin meditation and exercise classes improve the mind-body health, including circulation, balance, calmness and vitality; they also may benefit immune function and overall quality of life.


Special thanks to the Dana Home Foundation for the financial support for Daoyin Health Teaching Program of Seniors of Lexington

​​​Contact Us

1077 Lexington St, Waltham, MA 02452

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